Wednesday 25 April 2018

The industry

Ownership and funding

·       PBS public service broadcasting- Is TV that is paid for by the government with the intent to be entirely for the public and not investors, an example of this is the BBC.
·       Commercial broadcasting- Is TV paid for and owned by corporate media. This is how most TV operates, companies provide ads for to be played between shows and pay the channel for them to be featured.
·       Corporate and private ownership- is when a company pays for and owns a specific piece of media to make money from it, an example of this is Netflix which survives on subscriber fees by providing a streaming product.
·       Global companies- work and spread their media all around the world making them very well known. An example of this is Disney which has its products all around the world.
·       Vertical integration- This is where a company owns parts of not only the production but also the distribution process, for example owning a film studio and a cinema. Warner bros is an example of this which not only distribute their media to stores and cinemas but also produce it in house.
·       Horizontal integration- Is where a company gets larger by buying up other companies in a similar market, Disney is again an example of this as Disney has in the past bought companies such as marvel and the rights to various film series such as star wars.
·       A monopoly is where a company has exclusive control over a service or type of goods. Viacom is a notable company which produces 90% of media in america.

Funding types
  A license fee- can allow a company to remain free of advertisements as is the case with the BBC This is so that the government doesn’t fund them and make them biased in the eyes of the public. 
     Subscription fees go to companies like amazon and Netflix which offer you different media at a monthly fee.
   One of off payment is simply like buying a DVD.
   Pay per view- Is paying to see a specific episode, film or live event such as paying to watch a boxing match.
     Sponsorship- When a company is given money to get airtime usually in return for commercial advertisement.
     Product placement- This is where a company is given money to place a product in their media as a sort of hidden advertisement.
      Private capital- Funding that doesn’t come from an institution such as a bank or corporation.

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