Friday 20 October 2017

Story ideas

Idea from news

I felt that the recent news story of a fake mummy washing up near Bristol bridge this sounds interesting from a story stand point as a horror film idea. I feel the protagonist could be someone who messes with the fake mummy and has it come after them, the protagonist would be driven by fear and the need for survival.

Developing the story

I believe the protagonist should be a thin young male person who loves to write and is looking for something to write about he finds the mummy by the river and goes to it to try and help it has a name tag that has Simon written on it he calls the police and when they arrive he is asked to leave and he does. He thinks this will make a good story and begins to write a story about a man called Simon who gets into trouble with the wrong people the protagonist says the story will end with the man being mummified. The story will become a horror as the mummy begins to follow him sometimes getting very close to him it will slowly be revealed that the mummy is leading him to clues as to how the man in his story really lived and died at the end the protagonist will have written a best seller by writing the true story of Simon but will be shut away in his house away from the world, traumatized by what he has been through.

Idea from personal experience

When i was little i got into an argument with my brother and i was biking past him and he rolled his skateboard in front of me and i went over the handle bars, i think this would be a good idea for a part of the story that starts the protagonist down a path the consequences of this event could lead to many others i think either the person getting hurt or the person doing the hurting could be the main character and it would still be interesting.

Idea from films

In Action films the typical main character is a strong guy who beats all the bad guys with very little effort, I like John Wick because it has the character who is unstoppable but it isn't because hes untouchable we see him get hurt so many times throughout the film and we see him have to deal with his injuries and keep fighting despite them. The idea i got from watching the film is to have a main character who keeps getting injured as the film goes on but due to these injuries they have to find more and more ingenious ways to beat their opponents.

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