Thursday 16 March 2017

Music video research- Colyer- out for you

Colyer- out for you lyrics analysis                        lyrics              analysis

Push it to the limit
I wanna see how fast this thing can goI believe these lyrics are very literal they are mentioning the singer being in a car and wanting to go fast.
Hard for me to quit it
Brewing in the garden like a crow- These lyrics may be a subtle reference to how he feels about the woman, hard for me to quit it may mean he cant stop being with her and brewing in the garden may be that he feels his love for her may be growing.
Looking for a flower-This could either mean that he was looking for a beautiful Well I wasn’t, I wasn’t at all woman or that the woman hes with is looking for a good man which he doesn't believe he is because in the next line he says "i wasn't at all".
Cause the second hand robbed me blind
But your love gave me back my sight, sight- These lyrics may be saying that the singer has had a hard life probably involving crime and the woman hes with has opened his eyes to a better way. 
Oh, oh, oh…
I done wore no shackles and played the fool-This could be Colyers way of saying hes never been in the shackles of a proper relationship and being in love.
Oh, oh, oh…
Have you ever been there before?-I think this is Colyer asks the woman if shes ever been in love.

I’m like a stone rolling anywhere the river will flow-This pushes the idea that Colyer is just a drifter.
Let’s take a drive through the border down to old Mexico
There’s something
About the way you hang your legs out of that car window
You know, you know, you know
The day’s running but I’m out for you-This line could be about how the only reason Colyer is able to travel around like he does is because he has her with him.

(Ah ah a-ah ahh)
Uh, the day’s running but I’m out for you
(Ah ah a-ah ahh)
I said, the day’s running but I’m out for you…

You push me in the pool babe
Just to see how fast my herb would swim
You wait to go all in
Cause two over one shapes the dividend-This line could be about how two people being together changes each of the people involved, a dividend is a number that is to be divided by another number the use of this word could mean that being two being together divides you making you less of a person.
But I'mma dive deep for you
I’m just, just a man-These lyrics are Colyer promising to dive deep into his feelings for the woman.
Need a woman here by my side
Gotta dig for water, get by

I say… oh, oh, oh
I done wore no shackles and played the fool
Oh, oh, oh…
Have you ever been there before?

I’m like a stone rolling anywhere the river will flow-I think this is him 
Let’s take a drive through the border down to old Mexico
There’s something
About the way you hang your legs out of that car window
You know, you know, you know
The day’s running but I’m out for you

(Ah ah a-ah ahh)
Uh, the day’s running but I’m out for you
(Ah ah a-ah ahh)
I said, the day’s running, the day’s running

Said I wanna drive ‘til the gasoline goes
Away with the wind, together we blow-This line is pretty simple it is Colyer saying he wants to keep driving with the woman until the car runs out of fuel.
(Na, na, na-na nah, na, na, na-na nah)
Said together we blow
(Na, na, na-na nah, na, na, na-na nah)
And they’ll call it home

The song is a blues based rock single, with a quick, catchy melody and lyrics. It has a lot of gritty guitar and bass with ordinary vocals put through a distorter makes the song have this old nostalgic feeling to it as if it was being played through a car radio, which is interesting when it seems that the whole song is about the singer traveling in a car with a woman. The song is catchy and incredibly interesting. 

The song is written and performed by Steven Colyer who says it is about a woman he met and spent a long time with in LA, the song is their story. For reasons unknown Steven has only ever released this one song he has been performing gigs occasionally since its release and is believed to be working on an album. By looking at his and watching his music video and live performances it seems he has a happy style with his music video featuring him simply having a good time with a woman and he seems to genuinely enjoy himself while performing.

In the video Colyer is represented like a drifter with his disheveled hair and baggy clothes and that in the video him and the woman are driving around in a rusty pickup truck, I think this is to make it seem like they don't have much but the tone of the video is quite happy as they drive around having fun together and smiling. I think this is to make it seem like all they need is each other. 
An example for the drifter image he tries to give off is in this cover photo for the single, he is seen in a worn jacket in the middle of a desert giving off this image of someone who is lost however he has his hand raised in defiance to show that this is who he wants to be, the pose shows that he is happy with how things are and how this situation may seem like a bad one to most to him it is a good one perhaps because of the woman he sings about in the song. 

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