Wednesday 1 February 2017

purpose of a music video

Music videos emerged as short videos to be watched through a new invention called the panoram soundie a jukebox that played short video clips while playing music. Then Hollywood started creating music centered films such as the famous Elvis Presley movies this films integrate songs into the film just like a music video. Its very disputed who made the first ever proper music video some people believe it was queen with the video for bohemian rhapsody and many other people believe it was the Beatles who at the height of their fame couldn't make it to every show that wanted them so supposedly would record videos of them singing and send them to shows to play. In this essay i will be going through the creation and purpose of music videos.

Promotion for artists and directors
Music videos can promote artists by heavily including them singing, their names, logos and other things associated with them. For directors they can have their name added in as credits at the start or end of the video to show people watching that they directed the video which will in turn get them more work and make them more recognizable and known. The director and artist will get even more promotion if the video is interesting and memorable such as the video for the hives video for hate to say i told you so where the artists get promotion by having their name and logo on their instruments and in the video it only shows the artists playing so they are the only thing the viewer has to think about and therefore the only thing the viewer will take away from the video. For the director to be promoted they will have to make a very good video that will grab attention and make people looking for a director want to find out who created it. A good example of promotion from a music video is the music video to thriller directed by John Landis featuring his name in the credits at the beginning when you consider that thriller was the most expensive music video ever made at the time and has 385,291,675 views on YouTube alone it would of gained him more promotion than anyone could of imagined.

Producer strategies-artist marketing
Producers market artists differently because an artists image can be what makes them appealing for example many attractive artists make their videos sexual and provocative because "sex sells". Also producers will encourage artists to release free media widely to get themselves out there and once they are more well known and have a large fan base the producer will start to promote music that will make money for them and the artist. Put simply when you're unknown content is made free and put everywhere once you are well known content is exclusive and costs money. Also some artists can afford to have big name actors in there videos such as Elton John with his video I want love featuring Robert Downey Jr the well known actor would attract extra attention to the video.

extending artists and record labels income
Mainstream artists are able to have there work played almost everywhere, so they will receive extended income from live shows, radio, TV, YouTube and spotify with their music and videos being played or watched through these media outlets they receive income from many different areas. A lesser known and non mainstream artist would not be featured on TV or radio and might not even be able to be featured on spotify which limits their exposure and income. Such as the videos below which are featured on all of the different media outlets previously mentioned.

The extension of various media outlets
The growing number of different media outlets means that there is now so many ways for up and coming artists to release their work such as on the internet through things like YouTube and spotify, On television through music video channels like MTV or on radio. The advantages of there being more media outlets is that the customer is able to listen to music in many different places in many different ways and the artist makes more money as their songs are played on various media outlets creating more royalties for them.
Synergistic marketing
Synergistic marketing is when two brand names trying to promote themselves work together or are featured in each others products to create a higher number of people seeing them to create promotion for both. For example the converse went to gorillaz creators Damon Albarn and Jamie Hewlett and asked them to design a shoe for them featuring gorillaz style artwork. After this the as part of the converse three artists one song campaign converse convinced Albarn to work with two other artists to create the song "Do Ya Thing" this video is a great example of synergistic marketing because it not only promotes the three artists involved in the creation of the video but in the video converse products and logos are heavily featured promoting them as well. In synergistic marketing two companies can also completely share all of there resources and try to help each over overcome their weaknesses.

I think music videos are popular because the video with the music helps to create intrigue, story and keep peoples attention. Also if someone doesn't like your song they may like your music video and watch it for that reason. Music videos popularity grows so quickly and sustain themselves so well because people are attracted to them because of good visuals and will watch the videos over and over whenever they want to listen to the song making money every time someone watches them.

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