Monday 23 January 2017

James Paget hospital cove clinic video

A problem with the shots is that most of them are a single shot taken from one place this makes the video quite boring, many are slightly out of focus and fail to draw attention to the most important part of the scene. The lighting of these shots is often very bad as you can see from the thumbnail of the video, also the pacing of the shots is very off because we had to try and fit in everything the client wanted in such a short amount of time.
The video transitions between scenes quite well and doesn't make use of gimmicky transition effects and the title cards we created to show names for the people being interviewed fade in and out well and look good without drawing away from the scene. 
Personally i feel that the music is annoying and if anything would make people want to try to ignore the video and not pay attention to it. I believe we did very well making the audio we got usable and decent.
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In the scenes the lighting wasn't very good as it was filmed in a hospital where lighting doesn't tend to be very bright we tried to counteract the effects of this by changing the saturation of our shots to make them look brighter. In many of the shots there is medical equipment in the background because of this we didn't need to arrange props to make it look like a real hospital environment.

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