Monday 6 June 2016

News Essay

I watched the world news from 7pm 24th may 2016, stories of fighting and war were shown first and given a lot of detail then it was a story about Greece wanting to empty i migrant camp then celebrity scandal news such as the trial of Bill Cosby was shown. In the starting sequence lots of good visuals are shown and loud music is played these are used to grab the watchers attention.

The role of the newsreader is to read out information to the watchers so they both see and hear information, this way the watcher is more interested and better retains the information. I then watched another days' the world news with a middle aged woman called Phillipa Thomas as the newsreader, the role of the newsreader is to introduce the watcher to the stories that are about to be played and interview any guests. As a news reader you need to be confident and well spoken and be very good at keeping up conversations so that you can keep guests talking in interviews.

The term news ordering refers to in news when they set up the more interesting stories in a way that will keep the viewers interested and watching. The list of stories in the broadcast are called the bulletin. The first story to be shown is the lead is it shown first because it will likely be the longest and containing the most information. The other stories are introduced by the news reader after the lead story has finished. The ability to think and act quickly is important in news as things can go wrong also if you are a news reader being able to think and act quickly while interviewing guests is important so that the interview doesn't get boring and so you get all the information out of the guest that you need. Here is an example of a recent interview in the news.

A slow news day is a day where there isn't much happening or that has happened for the news to report on. The last story in a news program is called the "and finally" and it is usually a happy story for the news to end on and cheer up the viewer after they have had to listen to a lot of sad stories. News values refers to how much coverage is given to a news story and how much interest is taken in it by the viewer,
Frequency is an important news value which means the less frequent a news story is and the more convenient it is to cover will decide how much it is shown in the news, stories that are ongoing for a very long time are rarely given a lot of coverage because people will have already heard about it and wont be interested.
Many local news channels try to have stories based around their local area for easy coverage and to appeal to the majority of the people around them also if a news network is near to a sudden news story they will get first coverage and therefore will be the first place people go to for information on that event. for example if a major newsworthy event happened in London the first news station to get coverage would likely be the BBC because they are stationed in London.
negativity: Bad news is more shocking than good news and will receive more views and more coverage, for example if you were told that someone was alive and well you wouldn't be very interested however if someone important had died you would want to find out who and watch the news. Such as when Nelson Mandela passed away in 2013 this was given a lot of news coverage

unexpectedness is an important value to consider the more expected and predictable a news event is the less viewers will watch it and less coverage it will get from the news stations one example of this is terror attacks, they always happen without warning and are often covered as soon as possible by news stations. Events that are likely to continue over a number of days will get a lot of coverage from the news because these events will make viewers watch the news for more than one day at a time these would include news stories about wars and conflicts when at war we often see news stories about soldiers who have been killed or injured in fighting especially this story because it was the biggest loss of life for the uk in a single attack since 2006.

Stories that are simple are useful for news networks, a story being easy to explain makes their job a lot easier and gets more viewers watching as the viewing isn't as heavy going. stories such as animals escaping or a murder happening can be short but shocking. The news can also use stories about interesting people with problems in their lives or just vibrant personalities such as a story i saw once about a young boy who was death but could see objects by clicking his tongue and having the sound bounce off of objects like a bat does using sonar this story is simple to explain but also unique and interesting. one story that covered many of these values was the 9/11 terror attacks, one of the most if not the most devastating and shocking news stories to ever be broadcast its hard to believe even a single person wasn't watching the news when it happened.

News editors can choose not to have stories or particular moments from a story featured on TV this is biased as it means the news can choose to do news stories that reflect poorly on the news station themselves or the editors. Newspaper editors can also be biased because people tend to consider the stories more towards the front of the paper to be more important than stories at the back so the editors can use this to bury stories that they feel could reflect poorly on them or anything they like. Headlines are another way of attaching bias to a story because headlines are always in bold and are often the first thing read by the reader and sometimes the only thing read by reader, writers can use these to mislead the reader about stories and sometimes outright lie. there is also bias through photos an editor can have an normal story about a person but have an embarrassing photo of them with it to make them look bad. News can also be biased by a news reader as watcher can be influenced by the tone made by a news reader when reading out a story.

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