Monday 18 April 2016

AD evaluation

Our brief was to find a Unilever product and look up its current target audience and then decide on an audience we would like to re-marketed it to and make an advert appealing to this audience.

Our chosen product was PG tips and we chose it by all of us saying an idea and then discussing which one we should use. The current target audience for the product is adults we decided to market it to teenagers/students as we felt that being students we could really make it appealing to that audience.

I collected responses to my advert through a survey i shared around through email through this many people pointed out poor sound quality but also said they enjoyed it. i believe we failed to get our main message across to our target audience but i feel that it would have the appropriate impact on them.

We failed to properly promote our product using mise en scene because of this it does not effectively sell our product we tried using persuasion in the way that we made our slogan "the right way to drink tea" we felt this would make people feel that pg tips is the perfect way for tea to be drank. however i felt we effectively communicated. Overall i feel that the advert was very good but not fit for its purpose.

The persuasion techniques we used were very small and unnoticeable and did very little to sway the opinion of the watcher and because of this they were not effective at selling our product. We were trying to tell young people/ students that PG tips is the right way to drink tea. We did this by having everyone in the ad be young students and then having our message put into our slogan at the end of the ad saying "PG tips the right way to drink tea".

Overall i feel our advert is fit for its purpose and although it doesn't put much effort into convincing the viewer it is memorable and features the correct age range and audience in the advert to appeal to the audience we wanted to. It looks professional although i feel it could have been improved if some minor details were paid more attention to and the sound recording was given more time to be worked on.

I think it compares very well with original intentions as we tried our best to strictly stick to our storyboard and the original ideas we had. Personally i feel that the advert was a failure, in the sense that it does not effectively sell or promote the product however i feel as a short film it succeeds and it is very enjoyable even if at points quite poorly made.

I checked the BCAP code to make sure that our advert complied with their rules and i felt there may be some issue with violence but on further analysis i decided it would be fine. I learned that doing pre-production is something that must be done from this assignment and that without careful planning projects can fall apart.

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