Monday 4 January 2016

Pre production required for media production

For our media product we made a 90 second short for the competition depict it was distributed on YouTube. There are many other types of production such as animated products, full length feature films, television programmes, television movies, web series’, adverts and music videos.
Our source for funding was the college some other types of funding are crowd funding such as patreon and Kick starter which allow people to distribute their ideas and then allow people to donate money to letting the production be made this can also be seen as e-begging (asking strangers for money) such as in the case of Zach Braff who wanted his movie “wish I was here” made but didn't like not having all the control which would be taken if he had it made with a large movie company so he posted it on Kick starter and this made many celebrities angry.
Private capital- This is when a person pays for the production to be made by using their own money or by taking out loans the director Kevin Smith did this with his film “Clerks” he paid for the production with various loans.
A grant which is an amount of money given by the government or by a particular company for a production, competitions like the competition depict that we did our media production for some of these competitions will give out starting money for competitors to make their productions with and many of them give out cash prizes for winning and lastly sponsorship and marketing deals where a company pays the film creator to market their product inside the production.
The requirements for any production are hardware for editing, filming, animations and rendering, actors whether they be voice actors or background actors, transport for talent to get them to and from sets, permissions must be gotten for copyrighted music and videos and money must be spent on insurance for talent and equipment.
For our depict project I had to obtain props, timing for when rooms will be free for filming and cameras, tripods and SD cards.
Cast- the makeup of a……
Low budget short- in the short film the taking the cast is very short this could be due to the low budget the film had or not a lot a lot of reach in the film industry. A large cast is also not needed for a short film because the smaller the film is the less people, time and money need to go into making it most short film rarely go above 30 minutes of run time.
Television programme- The cast of a television programme is always huge because there a television programme lasts even longer than a Hollywood film over the series different actors are needed for many different parts as the filming of the series can last many years. The entire series of breaking bad has run time of 1 day and 23 hours with all episodes added up.
Hollywood feature film- In the film john wick a lot of characters die this means that a lot of actors are needed for background roles and small parts also a lot of people are needed for filming and editing but the cast is not as large as that of a television programme because the movie isn’t as long as a television programme with john wick lasting only 1 hour and 41 minutes.
In our group we allocated work based on the previous experience of each group member and their suitability for each role.
The various people who may contribute to a media production in addition the crew are extra talent, extra support from technical experts and some films require specific expertise such as films that have animals in them and the film makers need trainers and animal handlers to make sure there are no problems with acquiring and having the animals in the film.


Our time frame was about 6 weeks we spent 2 weeks on pre-production then 2 weeks on filming then 2 weeks on editing you used this time well getting everything done that was necessary in the time given. When you do not meet deadlines in a media production people can lose jobs, productions can be cancelled in the case of the mask 2 they had a contest in a Nintendo power magazine, the winner of this contest would be allowed to star in the film but the production was cancelled and the winner was sent a letter of apology.

We completed each part of our production in time for the deadlines. Thanks to planning each week of work appropriately.

A professional media production would obtain equipment usually through hiring on a website like if the production is funded by a major media company such as Warner bros studios the studio would already have cameras ready for a production. if you were to rent a camera it would cost anything from £30 to £100 per day.

centre this is a professional media facility that might be used to create a production the house here they teach people about the media industry by giving them a realistic environment to practise in. this is a media production house that makes small projects, mostly commercials.


Location recces are when a person looks at a place for filming and decides where things should be filmed and suitability of the place for the project being filmed and location releases are the permissions given out by the owner of a certain place to a film producer to film their project at that location.
We found our different locations for filming by taking a look around the college and outside to decide which location would suit our production the best.
We picked our classroom because it was simple to reserve and provided everything we needed for the starting scene
we picked W16 because it was dark so provided the perfect atmosphere for the hostage video scene

and we chose corridors for the running scenes because we knew most of them would be empty during lesson times providing a great filming opportunity.

We had to get permission to use W16 and were only able to use what was available to us in the college, because of this we obtained our own props outside of college to alleviate this problem and provide us with more creativity when deciding on our final story.
storage for files, software used for editing, costumes, storyboard, scripts, props, cameras and filming studios. when using some materials there are financial considerations because some materials can be very expensive such as software and hardware, software is usually paid for monthly and begins to cost a lot over time and hardware is a large cost straight away. Filming studios will cost a very large amount of money to rent for the time needed for filming for example the film studio gets in touch with you and negotiates a cost with you for using their studio.

Legal issues
Some materials will require the permission of the owner such as brands which are copyrighted and if a director wanted there to be real guns in their film it would be illegal unless they got an expert in to handle the weapons and make sure nothing goes wrong.

copyright- "protects your work and stops others from using it."

You automatically get copyright protection when you create:
original literary, dramatic, musical and artistic work, including illustration and photography
original non-literary written work, eg software, web content and databases
sound and music recordings
film and television recordings
the layout of published editions of written, dramatic and musical works
You can mark your work with the copyright symbol (©), your name and the year of creation. Whether you mark the work or not doesn’t affect the level of protection you have.
copyright stops people from copying, distributing, making an adaptation of your work and putting your work on the Internet. your work can be protected by copyright overseas through international agreements. copyright lasts a minimum of life plus 50 years for most pieces of work.

Copyright affected our depict production because we were not able to use music that wasn't royalty free so we could not use songs or sounds that we wanted. 

Clearance- Is permission for something to take place an example of this is when the owners of copyrighted work give permission for film makers to use their work.

public liability insurance- This is insurance that film makers need to have in case someone gets injured or they get sued this covers them almost completely.
completion guarantee/insurance- This is a contract which says that the creator of work has to finish the work he/she has been paid to make an example of people not doing this is when people are given donations on websites like patreon to finish their project and never finish it.

Trade unions and trade associations

a trade union is a union of workers formed to further benefit other workers in their profession and look after their interests. These are important because they protect the rights of a worker.
PACT- Is the UK trade association for independent film makers they campaign on issues of relevance to its members. 
BECTU- Provides benefits to its members to help them with media productions and everything else they may need in their careers.
Trade association- A trade association is an industry trade organisation or business group, founded and funded by businesses that operate in a specific industry. BECTU is an example of this.

1 comment:

  1. You have outlined requirements and sources of requirements for a specific media production.
